Thursday, June 26, 2008

When the Feliway runs out...

I'm going kind of out of order here, 'cause I haven't even told you (whoever you is at this time) about Bailey yet, but let's go a little out of order. I wouldn't want to be a slouchy blogger, now would I? Plus, I'm at work, it's alomst 7pm, I got time to kill before going out. Here goes...

The full story will follow, but I got Bailey.


I did not carefully introduce him into the home like I did Sebastian. Hence (probably), this is why Apollo and Bailey do not get along. This will all be documented soon enough.

To help alleviate the strife, I invested in a product called Comfort Zone w/ Feliway. And, you know what? IT WORKS!!!

For 4 weeks. Then it stops working. And without keeping track, you know how I know it works? Because the tentative truce that Bailey and Apollo have forged becomes instantly dismantled. Bailey starts charging at Apollo. Apollo will cry Holy Hell when Bailey tries to walk past him.

To be honest, I don't know who the agressor is. I think it changes. Like Bailey will be dociley (is that a word) walking across the room and Apollo will yell and growl. At feeding time, Bailey will sprawl across the threshold of the kitchen so Apollo can't pass. When Apollo's on the bed at night, he hunts the perimeter so Bailey can't jump up. But, in the morning he ceases to care.

That's why I started this 'blog, really. To keep track of their day-by-day lives, and try and make some sense of it. Maybe an expert will stumble upon this fair, old website and give me some free advice. Who knows?

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